Blockchain Networks
CKB has different blockchain networks for different environments.
Public Networks
Public networks are accessible to anyone in the world with an internet connection. People can participate directly in the live blockchain, supporting the network's operation and integrity.
Mainnet is the primary public CKB production blockchain, where actual-value transactions occur on the distributed ledger.
- CKB Mainnet RPCs
- Guide: Running CKB Mainnet Node
- Mainnet Explorer:
- Address Prefix:
, egckb1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqdnnw7qkdnnclfkg59uzn8umtfd2kwxceqxwquc4
CKB Testnet: PUDGE
In addition to Mainnet, there is a public Testnet for CKB called PUDGE. The Testnet is used by developers to test both protocol upgrades as well as potential Scripts
You should test any Script code you write on a Testnet before deploying to Mainnet. Many dApps also run on Testnet before going to the production level.
- CKB Testnet RPCs
- Guide: Running CKB Testnet Node
- Testnet Explorer:
- Address Prefix:
, egckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqdnnw7qkdnnclfkg59uzn8umtfd2kwxceqxwquc4
Most of the times, you will need some Testnet tokens to deploy Scripts & test your dApp.
You can get free Testnet tokens from the faucet website:
Private Networks
Besides public networks that anyone can join, you can also run your own priate CKB blockchain on your local machine, called Devnet (development network). Most developers use the CKB Devnet as the local development environment.
CKB Devnet
To create a local blockchain instance to test your dApp:
CKB Devnet Address Prefix: ckt
, eg ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqdnnw7qkdnnclfkg59uzn8umtfd2kwxceqxwquc4
Switch Between Different Networks
One of the things you might want to do is switching between different blockchain networks during the development of your dApps. The recommended order is:
- Develop your dApp in the CKB Devnet, where everything is under your control with a rapid feedback loop.
- Migrate your dApp to the CKB Testnet to see if it works fine in a more production-like environment.
- Launch your dApp on the CKB Mainnet for production.
To switch different networks, you need to point your dApp to different blockchain RPC URLs with different pre-deployed System Script configs.